Everyone is doing it – did you know….?
Be fashionable and keep your spending local in 2011. It’s the new “thing”, in the same vein as Skinny Jeans, Ugg Boots, Grown Your Own Initiatives’, Organic this & that, traceability of products…… this is the new vogue!
Make sure you are a part of it. It’s the new ‘politically correct’.
To value jobs locally and know that anything you buy in West Waterford goes towards safe keeping a job really inspires people and gives lots of reward and satisfaction.
So forget buying on the internet, racking up credit card interest and charges, or stomping your carbon footprint even deeper by traveling outside our local area to shop. Dungarvan & West Waterford has everything on offer!
We are all about “sustainability” these days, try not to forget that you too make a difference.What better gift can you give this year than guaranteeing employment locally?
Ní Neart Go Cur Le Chéile!