- Represented & informed members during the rates revaluation process. Advised the affected businesses and made representations at local & national level to allow rate increases to be paid gradually.
- Made representations on behalf of members regarding the planned Council mergers and local, regional and national levels, requesting that the economic development officer and the town clerk positions for Dungarvan and West Waterford are maintained.
- Awarded 12 businesses for their work as entrepreneurs and for social contributions and business and service excellent at Annual Awards ceremony in Lismore Castle.
- Organised and hosted 24 networking events including Afterhours, Business Breakfasts, Training Courses and Seminars on various topics. These events provided PR to local businesses, promoted innovation, showcased business excellence and encouraged B2B sales and relationship building.
- Made representations to appropriate authorities on issues such a Grattan Square Redevelopment & Eirgrid Pylons.
- Developed “Dungarvan Aglow” from its initial concept to a festival that displayed illuminations which attracted attention to our town right through the Christmas period, yielding hugely positive responses from visitors, locals and members. This required planning, organisation of funding and liaison with businesses and the Town Council representatives. As well as this the Chamber office ran a press and radio advertising campaign which included a 44 page Christmas booklet and grew 1866 facebook followers who were encouraged to shop locally or visit our town.
- Raised the profile of Dungarvan and West Waterford by frequently delivering our message through the media i.e. Dungarvan and West Waterford is open for business, that business people in this region are making every possible effort to maintain their businesses in order to protect jobs and their livelihoods and will continue to do and say whatever is needed to protect commerce in this region.
- Launched the ‘This is Dungarvan’ App – the first Chamber app in Ireland
- Supported local festivals through advertising to members and encouraging our members to take part.
- Partnered 40 Chamber Members fostering stronger links and product bundling.
- Corresponded weekly with members.