We are delighted to announce a NEW initiative for D&WW Chamber – the CHAMBER ONLINE BUSINESS CLINIC. This Clinic will triage business issues using expert consultants to prescribe solutions and support recovery. The Clinic will focus on day to day business issues, but also include more strategic or intensive responses in certain areas.
We are looking forward to working with a panel of experts to support issues at incubation, growth and survival across all sectors of business.
The Clinic will be operated via videos, online panel discussions, webinars & peer to peer access.
Specialised consultants will cover different units including Finance, Communications, Supply Chain, Human Resources, Wellbeing & Resilience and Blue Sky Thinking. We will respond to changing circumstances too, examining problems as they arise, diagnosing issues and finding the best solutions.
Speaking about the new initiative, Chamber Vice President Oren Little says “Chamber surveys and engagement with members are essential to identifying concerns and issues affecting our member businesses. The Chamber Board & Support Team realise that many have been afflicted with similar issues therefore similar remedies will apply to ensure we have a healthy local economy.” Following up to this CEO Jenny Beresford conveys “This is a very pessimistic time for many businesses, through offering these clinics and access to experts, our members can find quick fixes and also longer term recovery and a current wellbeing plan for their business.”
Members are invited to continue to connect and advise of business challenges as they arise, so these can be included in planning for the new Online Business Clinic.
Dungarvan & West Waterford Chamber supports over 280 businesses directly in the area. The Chamber is based in the Dungarvan Enterprise Centre, Main Street, Dungarvan and is very much online across many platforms Dungarvan Chamber website, Youtube Channel, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter & LinkedIn. To connect, drop a line to info@dungarvanchamber.ie.