A new brochure has been produced to advertise and give details of this year’s competition. The brochure gives details of the Awards Scheme, outlines the many advantages of using Irish in business (including the economic benefits and the use of Irish as an effective marketing tool) and the ways in which Waterford County Council and Comhlucht Forbartha na nDéise* can help businesses in developing their use of Irish in various ways. Hard copies of the brochure are being distributed by Dungarvan & West Waterford Chamber of Commerce and are also available from various businesses and offices locally. 
It can also be downloaded from the Waterford County Council website http://www.waterfordcoco.ie/en/services/irishlanguageandservices/irishinbusiness/ 
There are four categories in this year’s Gradam Gnó na nDéise, with associated sponsors as follows:
1. Best Signage & Printed Material (sponsored by Údarás na Gaeltachta)
2. Best Service & Innovation (sponsored by WLR FM)
3. Best Newcomer (sponsored by Beat FM)
4. Long Service to Irish Award (sponsored by the Dungarvan Leader)
We are indebted to all our sponsors who have kindly come on board to support this initiative with sponsorship worth €2,000 in total.
Gradam Gnó na nDéise is intended to encourage businesses to use the Irish language as a marketing and business tool, through raising awareness of the economic and cultural benefits of promotion and usage of Irish. Waterford is one of only seven counties in Ireland to have a Gaeltacht (Irish-speaking) area, and Dungarvan is the main shopping town for the people of Gaeltacht na nDéise. Therefore, the town and west of the county is in the advantageous position of having a local Irish-speaking population who do business in the area. In addition, studies have proven that marketing and promotion of an area as an Irish language cultural location is also attractive to visitors and tourists, and this brings with it economic and tourism benefits.
Irish can be used in many ways in business. It can be used in signage, stationary, brochures, menus and through the provision of services in Irish. You don’t need to know Irish to use Irish as part of your business! Taking part in the Irish in Business Award can help you develop this aspect of your business, including help in accessing potential funding schemes for Irish language material and signage.
How to enter the Award:
Nominations/expressions of interest are currently being taken for Gradam Gnó na nDéise 2013. Please contact either Micheál or Máire Seó for details and further information:
Mícheál Ó Drisleáin, Development Manager, Comhlucht Forbartha na nDéise:
Tel: 058-46664 or 087-793 8709 or e-mail: cfdeise@gmail.com 
Máire Seó Breathnach, Irish Officer, Waterford County Council:
Tel: (058) 20884 or e-mail: msbreathnach@waterfordcoco.ie
Businesses will have from now until the end of May to work on the further development of the Irish language and both Micheál and Máire Seó are available to work with them in this regard. Judging will then take place towards late May, with the winners being announced during the week of the national Gaeltacht football competition, Comórtas Peile na Gaeltachta, which will take place in the Waterford Gaeltacht of An Rinn/An Sean Phobal during Whit Weekend (31 May-3 June).
* Gradam Gnó na nDéise Irish in Business is a joint initiative between the Irish Office of Waterford County Council and local Gaeltacht community development company, Comhlucht Forbartha na nDéise. The scheme is being actively supported by West Waterford Chamber of Commerce and Smarter Travel, Dungarvan.
Further information: Máire Seó Breathnach, Irish Officer, Waterford County Council: Tel: (058) 20884 or e-mail: msbreathnach@waterfordcoco.ie                                          or
Mícheál Ó Drisleáin, Development Manager, Comhlucht Forbartha na nDéise: Tel: 058-46664 or 087-793 8709 or e-mail: cfdeise@gmail.com