Date: 9-10am, Tuesday 19th November 2019

Location: The Park Hotel, Shandon, Dungarvan

Cost: Free

ESB Networks in partnership with Dungarvan and West Waterford Chamber invites you to an information briefing on how ESB Networks is preparing for its next 5-year period covering the time period from 2021-2025.

In attendance will be Ellen Diskin, PR5 Manager, Strategy and Engagement and Liam Walsh, Strategic Engagement Manager who will share information on:

  • How ESB Networks is preparing its next 5-year period covering 2021-2025
  • ESB Networks’ role in enabling a low carbon society
  • ESB Networks’ key area of investment in the electricity network
  • ESB Networks’ engagement process in understanding the needs of stakeholders

As part of the briefing we invite attendees to engage in an open discussion as we seek to understand what is important for you in terms of the electricity network.

As the use of the electricity network evolves ESB Networks understands the importance of keeping customers are the heart of everything we do, through information sessions like this we ensure that we continue to serve the needs of all our customers, particularly those within the business sector.

For further details or to book, please contact the Dungarvan & West

Waterford Chamber Office on 058 45054 or via