The Mission
To organise a truck/trailer which will transport essential goods recommended by (on the ground) NGO`s to the most vulnerable affected by the Ukraine invasion.
The How
Dungarvan Transport is organising a truck which will be driven by one of their Polish drivers to deliver a full artic load of essential supplies, to Krakow, Poland.
The products will be distributed by ‘Caritas International Krakow’ with whom Dungarvan Transport are working and Caritas Ukraine. These agencies are set up to help Ukrainian people within Poland and the Ukraine.
The Ask
Dungarvan Transport owner Tomas Horgan is asking for businesses and individuals in Dungarvan & West Waterford to help.
To Date
Jumping on board already are Topline Currans, Viecura Group and Dungarvan Insulation who are helping with storage, pallets, cardboard boxes, transportation of goods between warehouses etc.. Joanna Trybala and her husband Adrian, from Janosiki Polish Shop on Mary Street started a collection last weekend which has grown massively and continues to do so. They have a team of volunteers who are working on assembling, sorting and labelling all the donated goods in multiple languages and organising them on pallets ready for transportation.
How YOU Can Help
You are invited to drop off items FROM THE LIST BELOW to Unit 10, Westgate Business Park, Dungarvan X 35 YK73.
Please ensure that only items from the following list are donated
Sleep (only clean/good quality items will be accepted):
- Sleeping bags
- blankets
- yoga mats/camping mats
- Thermals
- Duvets
- Bed linen
- Pillows
- New Batteries (AA, AAA),
- USB Power Banks,
- Flashlights
Baby Supplies (long best before date):
- Baby Wipes
- Nappies
- Baby Formula
Clothing (Please only include):
- Socks
- Hats
- Underwear
- Thermal vests
First Aid:
- Bandages
- Dressings
- Antibacterial
- Disposable Gloves
- Care products
- Body wash
- Toothpaste and toothbrushes
- Hairbrushes
- Tampons & liners
- Cotton wool
- Detergents
Food (long best before date):
- Tea / Coffee
- Tinned foods
- Biscuits
PLEASE, Only deliver products in cardboard or plastic boxes.
If you or your company can provide a full pallet of a product type, that would be greatly appreciated.
The team in Dungarvan will organise all the same product types on pallets / crates and label them in English / Polish and Ukrainian.
Below is a more specific list of medical products most urgently required in any quantities however large or small you can supply:
- Walkie-Talkies
- Flashlights
- Medical Backpacks
- Personal First-aid kits
- CPR Pocket face mask
- Trauma Dressing No. 3 & 4
- Triangular Bandage
- Burn Gel
- Burn Dressing
- Israeli Bandage
- First Aid Kits
- Eye wash
- Absorbent pads
- Tranexamic acid 500mg or similar
- HES-INFUZIA 6% (Hydroxethylstarch)
- Gelousine (gelatin agents)
- Field tests to determine blood type
- Blood containers with CPDA
- Catheters
- Nasopharyngeal tubes
- Intravenous infusions
- Haemostatics
- Haemostatic drugs
- Ringers Solution
- Stethoscope
- Sphygmomanometer
- Glucometer
- Pulse Oximeter
- ECG Monitor
- Defibrillators
- CAT Tourniquet
- Celox Haemostatic Dressing
- Haemostatic Granules
- Sodium Chloride
The Drop Off
Please only deliver products in cardboard or plastic boxes.
The drop off is Unit 10, Westgate Business Park, Dungarvan X 35 YK73
If you or your company can provide a full pallet of a product type, please contact in advance of delivery.
“We are all aware of the current situation in Ukraine, millions of people are facing an imminent humanitarian crisis. We have decided to do our small part to show support to the people of Ukraine. To do this we need your help and support.
We know that there are many local people and businesses who would like to help in some way. We would love you to come on board” says Tomas Horgan, Dungarvan Transport
If you have any queries you can contact Jenny Beresford, Dungarvan & West Waterford Chamber or Tomas Horgan, Dungarvan Transport on 087 2501 664 or email
Through the D&WW Chamber we are aware that many members ‘want to do something to help’ – organised by Dungarvan Transport, supported by the community, this mission can help ensure that Ukrainians trying to flee their homes have some necessities.