Dungarvan Credit Union Ltd and the Dungarvan & West Waterford Chamber are delighted to announce that D&WW Chamber Shopping Vouchers are now available to purchase in the Credit Union office in Main St, Dungarvan.
The Chamber Shopping Vouchers, which are integral to the local economy throughout the year, can now be purchased at the reception desk of Dungarvan Credit Union.
This widens access and makes the purchase of vouchers even more convenient for people. Each year over €500,000 is kept in the local economy directly through these vouchers.
The commitment to shopping locally and supporting the local economy has never been more important. People make such an effort to ensure they support local businesses that, collectively, the Credit Union and the Chamber wanted to make this even easier. Thus, having vouchers available in the Credit Union allows people purchase them across longer hours and in a very accessible location.
Sean Cleary & Orla Dawson, Dungarvan Credit Union, say, “ the coronavirus pandemic has heightened the importance of local people supporting local economies. Dungarvan Credit Union Ltd is delighted to support the voucher scheme and encourages everyone to shop locally this Christmas.”
David Walsh, President of Dungarvan & West Waterford Chamber said “This is a great step forward for both parties. The Chamber Shopping Vouchers, are integral to the local economy, having them available for sale in the Dungarvan Credit Union Ltd increases accessibility and convenience when purchasing in person. Working with Dungarvan Credit Union Ltd on Shop Local initiatives such as through Chamber Vouchers strengthens the message how important it is for us all to Support Local, Shop Local”
In addition to the Chamber Shopping Voucher being on sale in the Dungarvan Credit Union, they are also for sale via the Dungarvan & West Waterford Chamber Office, Dungarvan Enterprise Centre, Main Street and Capitol Cleaners O’Connell Street, Dungarvan.
Vouchers are available from the Chamber office via email info@dungarvanchamber.ie and also online https://dungarvanchamber.ie/store/Chamber-Shopping-Vouchers-c54514074